Chartboost Problem??
On some android devices, I'm getting reports that,
_"each time you die right now (on Android at least) the game just goes to a black screen with a loading circle on it. No way to get out of it other than to kill the app. but it seems to transition to a black screen with a loader than the loader disappears and nothing happens.
I'm on an Nexus 5 with the latest version of Marshmallow if that helps."_
Any ideas? Can we detect in GS if an advert is not loading in? Or maybe if we are off-line?
What version of GS did you publish the game with? They only recently added the new Chartboost SDK that fixes Marshmallow issues.
Mental Donkey Games
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@NipaGames I'm on back on v1.23.1 I had to many issues with collision how working on v1.24
the newest one right now has this issue to
How to reproduce:
1. Have Chartboost setup correctly land+port selected in app info on their side
2. use Video interstitials
3. play 4-5 levels (30 sec each) every time see a video loaded and displayed correctly
4. play one more level
5. the ad is not loaded but the next scene is loaded and visible instead
6. but everything is darkened and no input is accepted
the only way is to quit the app, its a game blocker
My Apps
They fixed this issue in 1.25. We just got a new beta version and this fix was listed.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
any chance I could get my hands on the 1.25 beta?
Send @ForumNinja a PM.