A gift from me, Merry Christmas everybody!

ApprowApprow Member Posts: 703
edited December 2015 in Working with GS (Mac)

Santa sometimes gets lost, but he doesn't seem to figure out why. No, it is not because his navigation system is not working, or his reindeers are lost. It is a little more complicated than that. What if his map changes randomly, wow that is weird huh?

I made a post about my random map generation system a few weeks ago. There were some problems with the wall generation and overall generation speed. I revamped and simplified the whole logic so it is insanely fast and a 100% reliable!

Because it is christmas time, I give my random map/dungeon generator as a present to this awesome community.

I wish each and everyone of you a merry christmas!

Oh and if you are drinking a coke, give me a cheers:) (photo proof is appreciated)


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