Will the custom texts be available on PC also ?
I heard that you guys are introducing custom texts and I'm very happy about this! But I own a Mac and a PC. Personally I find it way easier to work off the PC version of gamesalad (because I started off with the PC) .. I know you guys are bigger on Mac and they have some stuff that PC doesn't have. So I really hope this custom texts will make its way on the PC
It will be add to both
@BlackCloakGS do you know when it'll be out?
hopefully the first half of January
NB: we spent a LOT of time and effort getting the PC Creator to the point where it had feature parity with the Mac version. Going forward, we do not plan to implement features in one and not the other.
Dan Magaha · COO · GameSalad, Inc · danm@gamesalad.com
Can anyone confirm if we can make the type larger then 100?
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Games and Templates
You can do it now by changing the font size value in the actor's HTML file.
Interesting, I'll have to look into that. Thanks, Socks!
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Games and Templates
This is how I do it . . .
In your project make your font size something easy to search for, I use '99'.
Save your project / Quit GameSalad.
Open the project's contents (not sure how you do this on a PC).
Navigate to the Actors folder / Open the HTML for the actor.
Search for 'font' and change the '99' next to it to whatever value you like.
Save the modified HTML file.
Awesome! Worked like a charm. How did I not know about this earlier? Thanks again, @Socks!
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