What do you do when your app is, "Waiting in Review"?
Hi GS Community,
I would first off like to thank ALL of the many GameSalad Users that have me only on Year 1 of my game salad journey. It took nearly a year a to learn all the quirks to make my FIRST game! I finally submitted my app for review and was wondering a fun question...
What do you do when you are waiting for your app to get approved?
Ex: Sit on my couch biting my nails, look at the clock, prepare for the next update...
I would like to hear your input!
Happy new year,
I always have 3-4 apps on the go. So just work on one of the others when I'm waiting.
Beer sounds good too.
Talk about your game! Get there word out there. Go to the Touch Arcade forums. Interact with people who review your kind of games. Gotta start preparing now or otherwise it will release and nobody will know about it.
So even though it hasn't been approved yet, Still get the word out there?
Anyone else?
Start on your next game
What about advertising or the next update?
Each person does different things. If you want to promote your game do it. There is no set way. If you want to do an update do one. Or maybe study game marketing then you can develop a strategy.
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Ahh, cool! Thanks for the tips!
I like to run up my Visa while I wait for the cheques to role in!
Age of Dominion RTS for iOS
Age of Dominion RTS for Android
I would try to publish on android and amazon .. because you can get it out there quick within few hours ..second which is important is for your to learn how to publish on different platforms ..and more over once you have it out on google play you can start talking about your game and showing it off to people .. and that will keep you busy till you hear from apple
Oh that makes sense. Thanks!