GS 0.8.9 Game Engine Memory Leak



  • smc1979smc1979 Member Posts: 48
    I will be waiting to see how they do. I am not sure what all is behind GS so it is hard to know how long it takes them.

    I am a programmer, and the rule is to fix all bugs before adding more features. Otherwise you will be tortured with it never working, and it becomes harder and harder to trace the bugs down.

    But perhaps they are already doing this. I will be able to tell by next release :-)

    If more features than bugs fixes come out then you know.

    So far I have been dang impressed with GS. These bugs just really stain it.

    Again it is in beta, but bugs first, features 2nd. But you can easily see in the forums people yelling as loud as they can for more features. No matter what they do they are not going to please every one.

    But from one programmer to another I can wait on the features, I want the bugs fixed.

    I raise a drink to the programmers, keep up the good work.

  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    i will always be happy to wait for features and get bug fixes like memory leaks fixed. having said that, something like a rule log showing rule execution and variable dumps would help us debug. some people want to really stretch the product and it gets messy to resolve issues.
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    If sound is a culprit, I wonder if it could be .ogg vs. .caf? I've used .caf and don't seem to be having the issues.


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  • TwistedMechTwistedMech Member Posts: 408
    i am having a very sad time trying to work out where the memory leak is coming from in my game. using 0.9.0 is crashes after about 170 seconds so i thought, have a timer and when it reaches X then reset or change scene. Well looking at GS Viewer memory usage, every scene after the reset, memory usage does not go down and just increases. My guess is that destroy is not working. Also crashes same issue with ad-hoc build. Even though I am pro, so far no email response from GS on trying to track the memory leak. I assume GS Viewer engine code is much the same build as the iOS binary so there must be a way of using xcode instruments with GS viewer to track memory usage?

    any ideas?
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