In-Motion Graphics are Blurry in Runner Game
I'm working on a runner game so most of the surrounding graphics are perpetually in motion while the Player is moving forward. The result is that all these graphics appear blurry most of the time, which really destroys the game's quality and presentation. When the Player is stopped by one of the level's roadblocks (and he stops running), then the graphics look great and sharp. But this happens very infrequently. I've tried adjusting the speed of the Player, but the only way the surrounding graphics remain sharp is if I apply such a slow speed (i.e. a linear velocity of 100 or so), that the game runs at a snail's pace. Is there a way to fix this?
Can you take a screen grab of the blurred graphics ?
A screen grab shows sharp, crisp graphics. Technically, the graphics aren't being altered. I suspect the blur is an effect of the speed of the game. I've tested on my computer, an iPad, and a couple of Android phones—the problem is present in them all.
What kinds of fixes were you considering ?
Sounds like a purely visual phenomenon caused by vision and nothing to do with the game graphics at all. Probably the only way to stop it from happening is slowing the game down. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
I've played a few different mobile runner games to see if they have the same blurring effect, and they don't. Granted, the others probably run slightly slower than mine, but even when I cut my speed in half (which then makes my game run much slower than the competition), I still have the same blurring effect. Besides adjusting the speed, I've tried to adjust the size and quality of my graphics, but that didn't help either :-( I'm at a loss. Any suggestions as to what else I could try?
In what way did you adjust the quality of your graphics ?
The graphics were twice the resolution that they needed to be (scaled down to 50%) to account for retina devices. I tried using those graphics at 100%, then 25%. Still blurry. Then i cut the resolution in half and used new graphics. Still blurry. I've tried tiled graphics, non-tiled graphics, PNG graphics, JPEG graphics, etc.
That's a bit strange. What version of Gs are you using?
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Is the resolution set to 72dpi?
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did the graphics have odd numbers when you imported them? like 59x23
Not 100% sure about ALL of my graphics, but the vast majority are even numbered pixels—and they're ALL presenting the blur effect when in motion. The graphics are being imported at 72dpi (again, i tried importing them at the exact size used AND at twice the size needed, then used at 50%). Are there any setting in the game project itself or in the GameSalad publishing process that affect image quality/resolution?