Score Problem :-(
Hi Everyone :-)
I have a problem with simple rule.
Game Attributes is integer "GAME SCORE"
When my actor colides then Change Attribute :
Why after colide my displayer show me 80 or 90 sometimes 60.
What's going on ?
I have GS 1.24.5828 on PC but on Mac Creator is this same problem.
Please help me if eny know how
Can you post a screenshot of your rule?

Yes I can :-)
This same problem I have with Rope. Every colide is +1 but as you can see on attached picture my rope display 4.
This is rule :
and effect :-(
Do you have code that takes away score somewhere? Shut that off and see what happens.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Hi @gajaklukasz Not sure either why that's happening but try this to see if it solves the problem
When Actor collides or overlaps with Actor2
Change attribute Collided to true
---and in your actor 2
When Collided is true
Change attribute Collided to false
Change Attribute GAME SCORE to GAME SCORE + 100
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
It doesn't work :-(
Look for attach picture.
I can't give Up. It is last rule in my geme :-)
This is +100 points rule
Colide with Correct Actor
And effect :-(
HELP !!!!
Now Im trying many compilation for this rule and effect is this same.
Maybe I will try create Score HUD over scene...hmmm I try it.
@gajaklukasz said:
Your rules aren't the same as the ones gyroscope suggested, you need to copy rules exactly for them to work.
I do HUD and all is well :-) but I have more work to do.
Thanks for suggestion my frieds :-)
I wish you one million downloads a day :-)
See there were things you weren't telling us. We can't help you if we don't know how your game is built. You obviously had a layer issue which you didn't explain.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank you again.
As you can see I am a beginner.
It is probably a fundamental problem in building my application.
Probably the error occurred when creating layers.
Are you very experienced Creators GS will write me in one sentence:
What is the basic rule of building and creating layers?
Or a link to the video or tutorial.
Best regards
There is a big difference when a layer is scrollable and non scrollable. Actors on a non scrollable layer can't collide with actors on a scrollable layer that are placed farther than than the original screen area. You can even have issues if they are both on the original layout.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I am writing for information to others who may have a similar problem.
I found the source of the problem.
Because all suggestions from "Lost Oasis Games" are consistent and the problem is steel there.
In my case, my actor who collide with another actor who gives points are not placed on the scene. Both are spawned by another actor.
Now I put all the actors on the scene and all is fantastic work :-)
Thanks again for all :-)
I hope you unerstand me because my English is not good :-)