Actor image set to tiled, not showing in preview but in develope mode...HELP!!!
I added an image to my "ground" and set it as tile so it dont strech.
When I add it to the screen in the develop mode I can see it. But when I check ingame (prview) its transparent, why is that?
I can still walk on it etc..
Cannot find any logic to it.
There is nothing else on the screen except some GUI non scrollable but the "ground" is not in that layer when added.
/ regards
And also my actor spawning when shooting works great to the right side but is bland when I shot left.. I dont know if its a bug in the program or whats wrong??
If i remove the animation of the shooting actor it show but not with animation..
But on the right shooting actor it show and the code is exact the same :OOO
Nevermind about this part.. I removed the actor and made it new and it works.. strange.. Think gamesalad is bugged sometimes :&
But still need help with the tile thing... Cannot make it work
Any1 got the same issue???
This tread is posted in the help for hire topic. Please stick to the gamesalad 101 topics when posting for free help. Also post if you are working on PC or Mac as each version has different issues bugs et..
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Oh sorry didnt know!
Well its on windows 7