How Should I name my Tutorial Updates
Ok so I have noticed via GS Forums and on YouTube that people are noticing my tutorials...although rather new (1 year or so)...that they do not exactly match the NEW Apple iTunes front I was going to re do them...but Im not sure how best to label them so I will make an example here and ask YOU go tell me how best to label is a poll but should you have a different idea please leave a comment as well. Thanks my peoples !!
2016 is the most accurate and helpful in my book. v2 says nothing about the video, new itunes connect is too specific. Post iOS is good, but things could change next year and it would still be post iOS 9 etc.
Also, just a personal preference but I often type in the year if I'm looking for up to date things.
If you can, include a month/year and the GS version the vid was created on.. That way folks have a benchmark in IDing the relative "newness" of the information..
e.g. Provisioning Profiles - 01/16-GS_1.24.42
-- J
That's a good idea - but I'd probably dump that in the video description rather than the title. Gets a little long otherwise!
I like the date idea best. Funny I use to advise people top it the date in my videos as well in profiles so that makes best sense. Thanks for the replies.
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The date would help in searches and content-wise as well. itunesconnect and the developer portal have changed quite a few times, so I'guessing this could drive your clicks up, not to mention it can be of great help to other users.
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