Working on experience RPG system. Stuck in an equation
Im doing a basic level experince system for a game.
At the moment I managed to get the level raise when the player gets X ammount EXP.
Issue is that I want the level to be harder to encount when each level is reached.
At the moment you are level 1 and take level 2 by gaining 5 experince.
To get level 3 you get 5 more experince at the moment.
Easy explanation = You level each 5 exp at the moment.
I want it to be so when you level up the experince need to get like tripple up etc.
level 1 - 2 = 5 exp needed.
level 2 - 3 = 15 exp more exp in total experince.
level 3 - 4 = 45 exp more exp needed in total experince.
And so on. I want it to count from 0 all time and have levels set, harder to get level each level if you know how I mean.
I know there is an easy equation to this since Ive done LUA scripts before with this kind of experince thing but I cannot remember how it was done.
This is what I managed to do so far. It counts well when killing monsters that have experince set to an ammount. Level count good too. Still I want that little fix equation that makes it harder to gain level after each level taken.
Dont need a big SCRIPT written or a huge explanation, only a simple one whats the way to do it. More attributes or what ever needed for this equation to work.
@tatiang Anything you're femilliar with?
This would simply be x3.
Is it only me or do experince tables in games really work 2x the exp or higher?
I thought you you exp to a certen ammount, gain the level. Then need to take the same ammount of exp + some more since the new level about should be harder to gain?
I mean taking 5 exp all the time makes me gain 1 level each time at the moment.
I dont know how to explain it
I want it to multiply the hardness.
Better example.
level - EXP
1- 0
2 - 100
3 - 200
4 - 400
5 - 800
6 -1600
(this is if the first level is 100exp not as I set it in game to 5 exp)
The experince on the right side is ammount you need to take on new killings to gain next level
I'm having a hard time creating an equation to fit your example but this is somewhat close:
Experience needed for next level equals 5*currentLevel^2
For example:
1-->2 requires 5
2-->3 requires 20
3-->4 requires 45
4-->5 requires 90
5-->6 requires 125
6-->7 requires 180
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Sorry, I don't really understand any of that.
The progression you gave as an example (5 - 15 - 45) is simply x3, if you multiply the last value by 3 you get the next value.
This would be x2 (except for the move from level 1 to level 2, which would be +100)
I created a template a while back for this. Havent checked it out in awhile but it should still be relevant. Also has compensation for exp left over.
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Something like that yes!
Wow thats more advanced then I wanted it to be
I will take some of the code from that thank you man!
Here is a very complex formula used in the MMORPG RuneScape: formula.html
Total experience doubles every 7 levels (after level 20 or so), triples every 11 levels, quadruples every 14 levels, and increases almost 10-fold every 23 levels.
Probably more than you need, but it provides a decent starting position.
thank you!
I read up on quadratic equations (sorry, I love math!) and solved your equation:
XP for next level = 10n^2-20n+15, where n is the current level
So for example, going from level 3 to 4 would be solved by calculating 10(3)^2 -(20)3+15 = 90-60+15 = 45.
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haha you really digged yourself into this! Thank you man!!!
If I add on the player "rule , if player health >= 0 change attrubute exp - 200" Do the exp and level reduce?
Nvm, I made it so when player die he loses all exp for next level
thank you for the cool system!