Chartboost Advertising my App via CPI

BigDaveBigDave Member Posts: 2,239

GOAL: Drive installs to Orcs as it is my highest ARPU game right now
So I just use this post as a small update about how my advertising test went.


CPI= Cost per Install
I pay to get a user to play my game and hope to make a profit after that fee.

ARPU= Average revenue per user
How much money your app makes on average per user.
Installs/Total Revenue within same time frame= ARPU

iOS tends to have 30% higher ARPU with my Apps compared to the android versions.
Orcs ARPU $0.24
Three Points ARPU $0.03

Steps 1:
Testing video ads:

I setup chartboost video ads to drive installs to my game.
Which works NOT with CPI but rather you pay for each completed video view.
It should be ending up cheap than CPI but of course it is not guaranteed to generate an install.

The video ads didn't create an impression or install at all, regarding to Chartboost I just bet to less to be shown, even with raising it to $0.30 even tough it says the minimum is $0.01.
Also they kept referring that an install right now costs around $2.50 instead telling me why my impression NO CPI campaign doesn't start rolling.

Also started testing it with $0.50
No installs generated or paid.

Steps: 2
Testing Interstital pop up ads:

I took the remaining $100 and created another campaign an interstitial one this time.
Bidding $0.50 for an install right now. Definitely again way above the minimum price ($0.25). But way below the suggested bid. I just wanna see if I can get a download here and there for that price range

If that all doesn't work I might just go big play and pay the $2.50 for an install since I did not find a way to transfer the $100 back to my main balance. And I also wonder how much impact such installs have, how much can bring me a "quality user", would it effect my ARPU calculation or is it the same.

Steps: 3
After 1.5 days with no result I increased the CPI to $2, the suggest bid is $1.65 to $2.50 here.
Awaiting a result soon..


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