Temp Fix for slow 3G users running OS4
While we eagerly await apple's OS4.1 that will help iPhone 3G users with a slow running iphone, here is a temp fix I found on the internet that may help others:
If you’re having issues with sluggish iOS 4 performance on your iPhone 3G, Apple’s apparently launching an investigation, but there’s a stop gap solution. Just go into settings and turn off Spotlight Search.
Here’s how you do it. Go to Settings, tap on General, then Spotlight Search. Now untick everything. Apparently, turning off all the Spotlight indexing solves the sluggishness issues…
If you’re having issues with sluggish iOS 4 performance on your iPhone 3G, Apple’s apparently launching an investigation, but there’s a stop gap solution. Just go into settings and turn off Spotlight Search.
Here’s how you do it. Go to Settings, tap on General, then Spotlight Search. Now untick everything. Apparently, turning off all the Spotlight indexing solves the sluggishness issues…