Samsung Note 5 Ad Banner
Has anyone noticed that the Note 5 Ad Banner is the size of a tablet banner?
This has become a problem since it is covering up portions of some buttons. The banner is larger than my ipad IAD banners. Not sure if this is normal or not.
I guess I will have to remove the Samsung Note 5 from the device list. Seem odd to run such a large banner. Sad that google did not pick this up during the approval process.
I noticed this too. AdMob banners seem to be huge on all phones, not just note 5.
Mental Donkey Games
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When I run IADs for apple devices, everything works fine. ADs on my Galaxy S5, and S6 look fine. One the Note 5, they are almost double in height.
Reading through Google documentation there are a couple options for Ad sizes.
32px,50px, 90px.
I have my ad banner do display 320x50, yet this is almost twice the height.
Not sure how we are implementing these banners.
@CodeWizard Would you be able to shed some light on this?
Here is a screenshot. On other devices, this is not an issue.
good to know..
My Apps
I got a screenshot on an Galaxy S6. As you can see, the ad banner size is showing up fine.
Interesting... If the "tablet sized" banners cover up so much of the screen on a phone, it would still cause issues if your game is played on a tablet. Am i right?
Mental Donkey Games
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I dont have any issue on IPADS or IPHONE6S+. The banner for the IPAD is smaller than the banner for the Galaxy Note. I am wondering what banner size is being set up when we publish.
From the link above, there are a few options that are chosen when publishing.
320x50 Banner
320x100 Large Banner
Screen width x 32|50|90 Smart Banner based on phone size.
It almost looks on the Galaxy Note, we are using either 100 height or the Smart 90. I did test some other games on the note and they were using a smaller banner.
I have the same issue,
Did you solve it?