Enemy Movement

quinn221quinn221 Member Posts: 280
edited February 2016 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi Everyone,

I have been working on a piece of Logic for my enemy movement all day and I am stuck on a certain part. This is what I am trying to accomplish. I have an enemy that walks back and forth, and when my main character get about 300 pixels away, the enemy stops and shoots a arrow ( I plan on adding the arrow later)...then once my character get further than 300 pixels the enemy begins walking back and forth again.

With my current logic everything works up until the character is supposed to move after the hero gets out of the 300 pixel range. The enemy will not move but the animation plays. I have recorded a video and uploaded a PDF of my logic.

Let me know if you see what I missed with my logic

https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnsoofv4kktv0in/enemy-movement 2.zip?dl=0

Thanks in advance

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