Table issue?
I got an issue maybe its me or I dont know.
When I add a rule that change a table row/collum to true I have an actor showing it being true.
When I add a rule "if tablevalue is true" do ....
the DO rule dont exequte?
Why is that when I clearly see in display text that the table row/collum is true?
There was previously a bug in GameSalad regarding booleans in tables. Try using "if tablecellvalye is 1 do" instead. Perhaps it's the same bug.
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I tried that aswell instead of bolean to use integer 0-1 as true/false.
did not work
instead of boolean I used text. TRUE/FALSE. That works great!
Sad that the boolean function is bugged _:(
If there was a bug written with an example project attached I'd be glad to take a look at this.
I strongly suspect he is having trouble because of this bug:
Still present in 1.24.42.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
I sent it to @Armelline and he checked it. Its the bugg he reported a link off
Im using PC tho saw that the report was for mac