testing iap in my game (iOS)
Hello GS, with some help i have been able to test my game. i have a question about how my iap is working (consumable). when i touch the purchase button the iOS pop up window says, would you like to purchase one (item)? this should say 325 (items) that is what i am offering the player for $.99. then, it says thank you for your purchase. (not even sure if it added the item to the total) try to buy item again and gives me "this item has already been purchased it will be restored for free". I'm pretty sure i have followed the steps provided by the Cookbook.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Each purchase is an item so if it's a bundle of things but one purchase it is one item.
You will need to reset the purchase under test users I think. Not sure as since I last tested Apple changed their sandbox configuration. So once you purchase with a user name it saves the purchase. Check on iTunes connect about resetting a test users purchases.
Edit: now I remember make sure you go into settings and sign out of the test user there. Then restart the game and make the purchase and sign in again there. The purchase should now be wiped. You may need to do a clean install if you are saving the purchase to a table.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thanks GURU i will try your suggestion. @Lost_Oasis_Games
Also I think the timer should be "after" not "every"
I will try it even though the cook book states "every" @zweg25