Aspect Ratio Question.
Member Posts: 1,828
I just check the 720HD and compared it to the iphone 6,6+ and 5. Every screen resolution has the same aspect ratio. I even tested a 720HD scene with the preview and GS iphone viewer. the 720 fits perfectly on the iphone screen. So my question is this.
If I build a game using the 720HD template. Once its done Is there any reason why i cant use the same file for Publishing to App Store for iphone5 or better devices. And turn around and publish the 720HD to the Mac store. With letterbox? I haven noticed alot of games for the mac are required to play in non full screen mode. So fullscreen with a small letterbox shouldnt be a issue. Should it?
It's easy to figure up just take 1280x720 and iPhone5 1136x640 and you can see difference by saying 1280x640/720 = 1137.7 so 1280x720 would be the same as 1137.7x640 so only a 1.7 pixel difference should look fine.
SO no issues making a iphone app out of the 720HD template? and using the same file to publish to app store and mac store?
Should look good.
K thanks BB. Didnt want to do all this work to find out I over looked Apples Publishing policy Section 348 subsection Z sub-subsection Z.98a Stating that a 1.7 pixel difference is a auto rejection. Because it doesnt fit into apples visual standards. Cause we know that would nevvvvvver happen.