How do i make an upright running game, like doodle jump?

Game ChefGame Chef Member Posts: 20

i'm looking to make a simple sorta running game. I have been looking at tutorials online but I'm wondering how i can make it an upright game sorta like doodle jump where as the character jumps on something the screen follows its position.

Best Answer

  • crestwoodgamescrestwoodgames Posts: 191
    Accepted Answer

    I would break it down into a few parts and search on tutorials/templates from there.

    Things I would look for are how to jump through a platform, and then be able to land on it. This would require collision detection after the player had jumped through the platform form the bottom. How to simulate a bounce effect when landing on the platform. How to have the camera follow a player as they go up and up.

    You might not find all of the tutorials in one place or from the same person. But it's like a recipe. Get all the little parts and put them together. The more complicated the game, the more planning involved. Mistakes will be made.

    There are a lot of mechanics to a game. If you break it down into small parts, it becomes manageable. As you iterate through making your game, you will learn a lot about mechanics. This will help you in the future. Mistakes will be made.

    Luckily, there are a ton of tutorials. Start with the basic concepts of Doodle Jump and work up from there. Break the game down into small parts and work form there. Mistakes will be made, but that is part of the learning process.

    Or, you could buy a template and redo the art. But you wont learn anything doing it this way.

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