Real Attribute Question.
Real Attribute: FuelCellPercent 100
Boolean Attribute: FuelCellDraining false
Display actor: Display text "Fuel Cell"..(game.FuelCellPercent)..%
When FuelCellDraining is true
Wrapped in a Every 1 sec Timer
change FuelCellPercent to FuelCellpercent-.25
Ok Before I start the scene. The Display Actor Display the following Fuel Cell 100%
When im using fuel. it changes 100%-99.75%-99.5%-99.25%-99%-98.75%-98.5% and so on.
What I want is for it to always show 100.00%-99.75%-99.50%-99.25%-99.00%-98.75% and so on.
That's what padReal(game.FuelCellPercent,2,2) is for.
From the Cookbook:
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Thanks @tatiang. As soon as you responded. I foiund something on prec(game.fuelused),2)