weird CRITICAL bug on using Chartboost Ads
It is the first time I encounter this problem- My game is already published to AppStore, with Chartboost and Revmob integrated, and while you are playing the game on your iOS device, at a certain point the screen brightness became low and the game paused forever. And I could identify that the point it paused is the time to show up an ad. I checked, the Chartboost already set up like my others working games, and my game is working fine on Android with only Revmob.
How could this happened and how could I solve this?
Another weird thing is- When you turn off the cellular and WiFi, the game is working fine. When you turn it back on, it works fine too, with the Ad displaying correctly. But when you entered the game while you have internet connection, the weird thing above will happened. And that is a really bad thing because player will think that's a game's bug and just delete the game. So if anyone here heard about this issue or could provide some solution will be very appreciated.
I think you mean "weird" not "wired", sorry didn't actually get to read what you were trying to say because that bothered me so much lol
That's a silly mistake... Fixed!
Update: The ads was displaying correctly for the first 3~5 times, and then it pause the entire game with no way out.
(bug 1618) chartboost need to set both as landscape and portrait orientation (on chartboost website) for it to work.
Like this?

My others game didn't set like this, I just set landscape and it works.
Maybe this is not the solution but I'll wait for 1 hour to see if that does anything.
For now nothing changed.
bump... any word on this?
It looks like the problem solved. So far there are no more issues on pausing game by Chartboost ads. I'll keep checking on it to see if it happens again. Thanks guys!