Using the display text feature cuases other actors to flicker.
I have a count down timer and every time the number changes a few of my actors flicker (ie disappear for a split second then reappear), however when I shut the "display text" off but still leave all other rules on, it doesn't happen.
How to I fix it?
I doubt you'll get any useful answers as at the moment your question translates as: "I have a collection of rules and behaviours and attributes and conditions (and so on), none of which I'm going to show you, can you tell me what's wrong with these rules and behaviours and attributes and conditions which I've not shown you ?"
Grab a screenshot of your rules and I'm sure someone can help out !
I didn't think I would need to show any of my rules or attributes, as all of my rules work fine, it's ONLY when I add the display text feature that it happens. I have used this kind of thing in many other games and never had a problem.
Any way, here are a couple screen shots of all the rules I have associated with the timer:

Nothing fancy, no idea why it would cause some actors to flicker. And I downloaded it on my device, and same thing. I also have a score counter, and same thing happens, ONLY when display text is active does it flicker.
The actors that are being affected don't have any rules that attach them to the count down. I can't figure out any reason for this to be happening.
Plus I have several of the same actors on screen, and only a few of them are affected, not all. I'm truly at a loss.
and one last thing, I moved the display text to its own actor entirely and it still persisted.
okay, it just stopped happening. It works fine now. I didn't do anything. Whatever.
Could have been a glitch. When things get weird I always close and restart GS. I also ditch the offending behavior and put in a new one.
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