numeric expressions
I am in my trail period, and trying to see if this software is something I can work with. I am a graphic designer and now very little about coding, yet I am very interested in learning. Especially the logic behind it.
Now I am using tutorial files to work on an idea I have. In that tutorial it shows a rule that starts with 2 numeric expressions. But no matter how hard I try, I cannot manage to do that myself. I cannot drag it in the existing numeric expression, it just makes a new one below it.
I noticed it does work with string expression, just not with numeric.
Am I doing something wrong?
Welcome! Could you specify which tutorial is the one with the 2 numeric expressions you are referring to? I'm pretty sure someone can help out.
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I made a screenshot, you can find the pic here:
You have to make them on your own as those are self attributes. The need to be selected via the expression editor which is the a and e buttons in the window. This brings up the attribute browser.
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Your question is a little vague, it sounds like you are trying to create a rule with 2 conditions ?
It's not clear what these 'it's are - probably better to refer to these things by name to help clarify your question. What are you trying to drag - and where are you trying to drag it to ?
I am sorry for being vague, I thought I was clear. When I goto the "library" and choose the tab "behaviors", I can choose a "behavior". And I want to choose a "condition", and to be more specific, I want to use "numeric expression. So want I drag the "numeric expression" all goes well. But now I want to have another below that in that same rule like this. This is a screenshot of a tutorial script, and I want to make it myself.
And I cannot!
However when I try it with a "string expression", I can.
Only the numeric expression gives me this problem
I am currently on my phone, so pardon any typos. If you want to add a condition, look for the plus sign (+) at the top right of the behavior window you just dragged. You will then have another condition line to work with.
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It don't know what happened, because I tried yesterday TONS of times. With several new projects. But NOW it works.
I was just about to make some screenshot from my end.
I wanted to achieve this:
I swear it was not working yesterday. I tried for hours.
This is frustrating...
Anyhow, thanks for trying to help me. But it must have been a bug.
I hope they will be gracious enough to extend my trail. Because this setback makes it hard for me to decide if I really want this software.
@mistressinferno, as a fellow graphic designer I have to say GS is the way to go if you want to be able to spend more time on design and less time on coding. Once you learn how GS works and get a handle on all the behaviors and logic you'll be able to bang ideas out quickly. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page