Better way of Jumping Through Semi-Solid Platforms?
Hi guys, I've been following Jamie Cross' tutorials on youtube on making a basic platformer and I've noticed the way he has an actor pass through a platform is to turn off collision detection when the actor is moving up. This would normally suit my needs but I've noticed that if my actor collides with the side of the platform while coming down from a jump, he bounces instead of passing through. I hope this is making sense.
What I am basically asking is "Is there a better way to make the actor pass through a platform so that he only land on it if it is jumped on and not collided with sideways?"
If no one knows what I'm on about I can do a quick doodle to demonstrate.
@jamie_c might know.
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Maybe you could put the collision in the platform and only have the collision turn on if the hero actor's Y is however many pixels above the platform?
Vote for Nearest Neighbor Scaling option in gamesalad! Let's make our games look truly stunning!, I'm not sure I'm following what you need. I think the tutorial you are talking about is one where I show you how to jump UP through a platform from below. As you mention by temporarily turning off the players collision with the platform.
But you mention bouncing off the platform on your way down. When the player is falling down the collision is turned back on so they don't pass through the platform. What I'm not getting is if you want the player to pass through a platform from both above and below then why have a platform at all?
Maybe you can clarify exactly what you want to accomplish? ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Hi Owen, thanks for that, I might try that tonight.
Hello Jamie! its ok, my description even confused me, I have done a little doodle to illustrate what I mean when I say I bounce off the platform.
You need to add an X axis to your conditions in the similar fashion you did the Y axis.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS, if you only want to allow jumping through platforms if you are ONLY jumping straight up you would do what @Lost_Oasis_Games mentions above.
But if you want to allow angular jumping through the center of a platform like the image attached, you'd need to add another actor to the edges of the platforms to stop the jumping. This additional actor would collide with the player at all times to dis-allow jumping through the sides of the platform. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
You can give this idea a try:
OMG FINALLY SOME GOOD COMMENTS ON JUMP THROUGH PLATFORM! i have been having a hard time with this for a LOONNNGGGG while...
@RThurman hey when the actor is on the side of the platform it bounces back
Thats what the OP wanted.
Thanks guys I will be giving these suggestions a try tonight. Thanks again Jamie. Your knowledge of GS is pretty awesome.