
Hello everyone,
I'm Luca Deriu from PlaySys and I want to say hi to everyone!
Hope I'll find great people here...and sorry for my bad english in advance
I'm Luca Deriu from PlaySys and I want to say hi to everyone!
Hope I'll find great people here...and sorry for my bad english in advance

I'm not sure I know what PlaySys is... Any help?
well PlaySys is a studio that provides 3d, publishing, development and music production. We work for traditional and boring stuff related to 3d, and sometime we make something more funny like 3d game prototypes.
Don't want to bother here with PlaySys stuff, I just bought Gamesalad and was surfing the forum.
Thanks again for the welcome.
By the way, if you're up for it, there is a "getting to know you" thread. It's good, clean fun for the whole family! (well, for the most part)
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
credo di essere uno dei pochi (se non l'unico) italiano in questi forum. contattami se hai bisogno di aiuto!!! (
@Giacomo grazie anche a te, siamo un gruppo di sviluppatori. Ho trovato altri italiani ma sicuramente ti contatterò per qualcosa prima o poi
Sto anche "seguendo" il tuo profilo qui su GS