Copy and Paste text, note taking in Dungeon Crawler

fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565

Hi Folks,
So I have concept for a dungeon crawler which is text heavy with a lot of puzzles etc and a rather open game mechanic etc. Much like Etrian Odyssey games (if you're familiar with them) you make you own maps and notes for details. I was wondering several things:

  1. Does GS allow/capable of copying text and the pasting it as part of a note (sometimes characters say something that is important and you don't want to mess up order etc or its a riddle or rhyme)?
  2. Even it doesn't allow for that (the copying and pasting), is it feasible to add in a note taking function.
  3. Lastly, there is an encyclopedia, how would you handle bookmarking?

Thanks folks


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    1. No.
    2. Yes. You can store keyboard input in attributes (and optionally, also in table cells).
    3. Store a value for the location and then retrieve it.

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  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    @tatiang is correct about 1, but you can fake it to an extent. Having an actor copy its text into a buffer and then pasting it into another "notebook" table or attribute would be possible.

  • fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565

    hmmm. Great. I kinda figured for 1. @Armelline can you elaborate? Thanks!

  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Good point, @Armelline. Let's say that a character in your game says "The golden orb contains the key you need." And that text comes from tableCellValue(game.speeches,1,8). When that moment happens in the game, you could change game.currentText to tableCellValue(game.speeches,1,8). For your "note button" actor, you would then change the next row of the player's notes table to game.currentText and save the table. Keep incrementing the row by one and keep updating game.currentText whenever another character speaks.

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  • fmakawafmakawa Member Posts: 565

    Gotcha. Thanks!

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