Return to previous scene
Hi, I want to have a scene where it should have a button which links back to previous scene, I mean not to previous as scenes a listed in game salad but the one user came from. For instance user goes through game and decides to see his awards and clicks awards button in the scene he is brought to award scene and once he clicks on the return button it brings him/her back to the scene he was before the awards scene. Many thanks.
Very simple to do.
Create a rule in your button:
When touch is pressed condition.
Place a change scene behavior in the rule and now simply select which scene to change to via the drop down list.
You can also use the Index feature to dynamically change scenes. Check out the tutorial below.
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Thanks a lot, but sorry thats not what I meant. There are 10 scenes which all link to award scene. If i click from scene 3 to awards in the awards scene I want to come back again to the scene 3... If I click from scene 6 for instance to awards scene, from awards scene I want to come back again to scene 6 using the same return button on awards scene...
@raciukas22 instead of change scene use a pause game behavior that takes you to the awards scene and then unpause game which will take you back to the scene you were on.
In your award button put a pause game behavior - choose award scene
In your return button on awards scene put unpause game behavior
Here is a way to keep a list of the the previous scenes. Then you can go back through the list.
Thank you all!!! Much appreciated!!
Really worked!! thanks