Does anyone have the attributes or idea on rules for the main character in Flutterby? I'm working on it as we speak, but just wanted to see if perhaps this was available?
What do you want from the butterfly? there are 2 modes of movement now. And also: Invincibility after hit or end of game Some slowdown when covered in pollen
Butterfly movement and animation when tapping screen and accelerometer functions of Butterfly, basically the movement of Butterfly in tilting screen and tapping screen to flap wings
Left Movement: Rule: When Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y < -0.05 --Move: Direction:180, Speed: -120*game.Accelerometer.Y + 40 Additive
Right Movement: Rule: When Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y > 0.05 --Move: Direction 0, Speed: 120*game.Accelerometer.Y + 40 Additive
"Gravity": Move: Direction: 270, Speed: 40+self.speedPollen*5 (speedPollen is 0 or 1 depending on if it is covered by pollen. set and unset by other rules) Additive
"Fly up: look for touches" Rule: When mouse button down --Change Attribute: self.ContinueFlap = true --Rule: if Attribute: self.TapNumber = 0 ----Change Attribute: self.TapNumber = 2 Otherwise: --Rule: IF Attribute: self.TapNumber = 0 --Timer: After .4 seconds ----self.ContinueFlap = false
Actual Move Up to Fly Rule: When Attribute: self.TapNumber ≥ 1 OR Attribute: self.ContinueFlap = true --Move: Direction 90, Speed 110 Additive --Change Attribute: self.SlowDown = 10 --Timer: Every .15 seconds ----Change Attribute: self.TapNumber = max(0,self.TapNumber -1) Otherwise: --Rule: When Attribute: self.SlowDown > 0 ----Move: Direction 90, Additive, Speed: 110 - 110*(10-self.SlowDown)/10 ----Timer: Every .06 seconds ------Change Attribute: self.SlowDown = self.SlowDown -1
On the actor that only contains the image and follows the position of the collision actor. "Flapping" Rule: If Attribute: self.Position.X < 40 OR Attribute: game.isFlapping is true -- Animate: (The flapping) Otherwise: Change Image: Non-flapping image.
Is self.continue flap a boolean attribute you created?
Also, Self.TapNumber, is this another boolean attribute created or is this under the expression editor under devices, touches and selecting the number of touches?
I would assume that everyone being courteous on here wouldn't try to mimic anyone's ideas, at least that's what I would hope!
what are you trying to make?
And also:
Invincibility after hit or end of game
Some slowdown when covered in pollen
Rule: When Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y < -0.05
--Move: Direction:180, Speed: -120*game.Accelerometer.Y + 40 Additive
Right Movement:
Rule: When Attribute game.Accelerometer.Y > 0.05
--Move: Direction 0, Speed: 120*game.Accelerometer.Y + 40 Additive
Move: Direction: 270, Speed: 40+self.speedPollen*5 (speedPollen is 0 or 1 depending on if it is covered by pollen. set and unset by other rules) Additive
"Fly up: look for touches"
Rule: When mouse button down
--Change Attribute: self.ContinueFlap = true
--Rule: if Attribute: self.TapNumber = 0
----Change Attribute: self.TapNumber = 2
--Rule: IF Attribute: self.TapNumber = 0
--Timer: After .4 seconds
----self.ContinueFlap = false
Actual Move Up to Fly
Rule: When Attribute: self.TapNumber ≥ 1 OR Attribute: self.ContinueFlap = true
--Move: Direction 90, Speed 110 Additive
--Change Attribute: self.SlowDown = 10
--Timer: Every .15 seconds
----Change Attribute: self.TapNumber = max(0,self.TapNumber -1)
--Rule: When Attribute: self.SlowDown > 0
----Move: Direction 90, Additive, Speed: 110 - 110*(10-self.SlowDown)/10
----Timer: Every .06 seconds
------Change Attribute: self.SlowDown = self.SlowDown -1
On the actor that only contains the image and follows the position of the collision actor.
Rule: If Attribute: self.Position.X < 40 OR Attribute: game.isFlapping is true
-- Animate: (The flapping)
Otherwise: Change Image: Non-flapping image.
Also, Self.TapNumber, is this another boolean attribute created or is this under the expression editor under devices, touches and selecting the number of touches?