Studio Ghibli released their animation software for free.
ImagineLabs.rocksMember, PRO Posts: 5,772
Anyone interested in some commercial quality animation software might want to check this out. I haven't used it yet but I'll be downloading and trying it out for sure.
Looks really cool but its windows only software.
Thanks for sharing!
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@gattoman, towards the bottom of the page it shows system requirements for Windows and OSX for OpenToonz. Looks like GTS is Windows only but I think that is a separate tool offered as well. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
My mistake. I thought GTS was what I needed.
Downloading now. Mac
That's really awesome of them to release it for free.
Sounds suspicious.....a major Japanese anime film studio releasing their software for free.
thanks for sharing Jamie, passed it on to my bro who does the art for our games