Possible timer as a highscore?
I creating my first game and only what i need is a timer as high score.
How can i do that?
Its a kind of runner game. i would like if my actor reach the finish the timer stop and can be share it on different platforms (and its save and load later.)
I new here so please write the solution step by step.
A timer is simple
Make a game level attribute integer type and call it time. if you have an attribute that tells when the game is started use it in a rule.
When attribute game.started is true
Every 1 second (uncheck run to completion)
Change attribute game.time to game.time+1
When your player crosses the place where the game stops change game.start to false this will stop the timer. Use a save behavior to save the game.time attribute when game.start is false. Make sure you add the load behavior to reload the saved value in you start screen.
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Thanks for the fast reply! It works great.