Changing animations when actors are clicked
I am trying to think of a sollution. I would like to make 4 animations. There should be 4 actors and every time the user clicks on them it changes to animations. But what is very important that doesnt matter which actor is clicked it still shows animations in order. I cant do it in integers as they either all would desplay the same animation at the time or how would I know which one was the first, second etc the user clicked..
Example of what I want to avhieve: there would be four images of a human. It should change from sitting animation, to standing animation, to running animation, to walking animation. What is the most important that doesnt matter which of four actors with a human image is clicked it still each would play an animation in order.
Really hope that any of this makes sense.. Thanks in advance
Hey @raciukas22 im not sure if this is what you want but i attached a demo
click on any of the actors and each will play an animation in order.
Thanks a lot for your replay. Much appreciated but this is not ehat I meant, sorry, prob I dont know how to explain it correctly. For instance there are four animations first one is sitting, second one is running, third one walking and fourth one is dancing. There are four the same actors, doesnt matter which one is clicked by user that actor still plays an animation acording to the order. If user first clicks on image 1 image one plays sitting animatio, if user first clicks on third image third image plays sitting animation and so on and so forth.
@raciukas22 Hey sorry i misunderstood you , i still dont understand to be honest so you want it so that if actor one is clicked it only plays sitting animation , if actor 2 is clicked it plays sitting animation + running , if actor 3 is clicked it plays sitting animation + running + walking , if actor 4 is clicked it plays sitting animation + running + walking + dancing ?
No sorry, I am not very good at explaining.. I want if actor one is clicked it plays sitting animation, once actor two is clicked it plays running animation, and so on.. But all actors 1, 2 , 3, and 4 are the same so the user can choose from 4 actors and does not matter which one it clicks first that actor plays sitting animation, once actor clicks another actor from 3 remaining that actor plays running animation..
@raciukas22 I think i understood , you want them all to be the same actor, create a self.integer attribute call it animate for example
Rule if touch is pressed
create rules inside the rule
Rule if animate = 1 ( animate sitting)
Rule if animate = 2 ( animate running)
Rule if animate = 3 (animate walking)
Rule if animate = 4 (animate dancing)
go into each individual actor once you place them on screen and change their self.animate value to 1,2,3 or 4.
Thanks a lot, i tried it, but if if I change self.animate value to 1,2,3,4 then If I click on actor 2 and its self.animate value is 3 then if it was clicked the first time it would still play animate value 3..
Select restore actor image.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Not sure how to do it. Sorry
Now im more confused i hope someone comes and help you with this it looks easy but i just cant understand what you want to achieve, sorry
sorry, thanks a lot and I really appreciate your help. I just wanted that from any actor that is clicked animations would be played in order every time another actor is clicked. after the first click sitting animation is playing, after 2nd click a running animation is playing, after 3rd click walking animation and after 4th click dancing animation appears once its clicked on the last actor. The difficulty I have is that I do now know which actor will be clicked by user to set animations to each actor..
@raciukas22 okay i hope this is it ... same actors each click displays animation walk,jump,dance and death in order and restarts after the animations are done.
if its not i give up lol
Thank you sooo much!! thats it!! it worked!!!much appreciated!!!
You are on sample project fire dude!
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS