A Beginner's Questions
hi,i am new in developing games in android. my question is can i already publish my game on android if i get the one month subscription?do google require for a developer license for me to publish my finished games?apologies for the very basic questions as i am a total beginner.
You can publish as a pro and you only need to bump up to pro when you want to publish. I believe the fee for Google is $25 to become a developer member.
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also, i just want to clarify some more things. after the trial, i need to get the basic plan right? the reason why i should get the basic plan is because the trial period will expire right?that means that the basic would enable me to create games and the only time i would be needing the pro version is when i am ready to publish my game. how long the trial period is?
apologies, i already saw all the answers to my questions here:
and here:
thank you for your time Lost_Oasis_Games!