Light Trail
Hello, is it possible to make a light trail (not particle type) that tails the character every time he moves? Is there a tutorial for this? I attached image of what i mean. I'd appreciate if this is possible.-thanks!
Artist/Game Developer / Animator at your service..
Just a thought. Have you considered spawning small actors behind the actor when it moves and have these actors fade over time. If you spawn it every time the actor moves a pixel or two and the actor you're spawning is small enough the it should give the impression of a light trail that fades.
Edit: You could spawn everytime it moves a fraction or just have a timer on the actor that spawns every fraction of a second. You won't want these actors that are spawned to move.
Here's a rough example of what I mean. Drag the box around and you will see a trail that follows behind it and fades. In this example the trail is spawned on the left of the actor so when you drag it left it looks a bit odd. You'd have to change the spawn point to be on the opposite direction your character is facing.
@Thorhammer You can use this method if you want , i attached a demo