Actor behvaior
Hi, i would love my question answered, been niggling me for some time.
How would i have the following happen.
imagine the scenario
blank screen..
then, Actor 1 to appear on screen fading into shot and waiting about 5 seconds them fading out disspearing again.
1)Set Actor 1 alpha to 0
2)When scene starts, interpolate Actor 1 alpha to 1 (Duration = 2 seconds)
3)Timer (after 7 seconds)
------Interpolate Actor 1 alpha to 0 (Duration = 2 seconds)
Thanks Thurman, that is perfect indeed. wow. learned so much with that!!
What i am after is (trying to do it wirh attributes booleans)
if ACTOR2 collides with this actor, wait 2 seconds and fade out actor1 so actor 2 falls from the platform. i cant get my head round it atm, got so much going on here haha.
Go to platform actor if it overlaps or collides with actor 1
Interpolate color alpha to 0
Then create another rule if color alpha = 0
actually mate, if you can help me with this code, sorry i keep changing it, but i worked out what i need now.
ACTOR2 (is alpha0)
when actor actor1 collides with actor2 make this actor2 aplha1.
Then as soon as actor1 move off the actor 2, make actor2 alpha0 again until they collide.
In Actor2
if overlaps or collides with actor 1
change attribute color alpha to 1 (or interpolate color alpha to 1)
change attribute color alpha to 0 (or interpolate color alpha to 0)
awsome thanks ice, perfect