does actor automatically destroyed when it goes way off screen?
the question is like the title , if an actor has a rule to "move down" and it went off screen but still moves down, is it destroyed at some point? or is it just keep moving down even at " -10000000"
You can always put a rule in there...
When self.position.X > 3000 (or whatever)
destroy self.
Then add other thresholds comparisons in the rule and set the rule to "ANY"
when actor "A" over lapse or collides with "Wall/border"
Destroy this actor ("A").
You'll want to do this anyways, because the "A" actor will continue to go, thus using resources you don't need to be using. Try to think about optimizing your resources. Gamesalad is very hard on resources, so anytime you can save some, try to!
I've had this happen with a game where I had tons of items scrolling back and forth, once they reach a certain point, it is the point of no return!
HOLY NOSE JOB!: Nesen Probe: Is this the single most unappealing game in the history of GameSalad? I can't seem to give it away! Anywhere. But if anyone want's to try it out, codes are still available near the end of the thread!
Proof? Then create an actor that accelerates upwards and downwards. Then hold your finger on the up key for 5 seconds followed by the down key for 10. You will see that it won't come back as its deleted.
It isn't a set pixel distance, it depends on the size of the Actor.
In any case, I would destroy/move everything yourself instead of relying on GameSalad to destroy things for you...