What could I add or change about my game?
Well I have been developing my game Sway for about a year and half. I have been very open to new ideas and implementing changes when suggested. I have done a full graphic change with the help of @Approw (can't take all the credit for myself hahaha) , control change, and a slight gameplay change suggested by the people on forums, reviews left on the game, and ideas from family and friends. A lot of hard work has been put into improving my game. If you saw or even played Sway V. 1.0 you'll see how far I've come. All the updates were other people's ideas rather than mine because I'm trying to appeal to the masses. If possible would you mind leaving what you like, what you don't like, what I can do differently, what I can add or delete or just an honest overview of the game. I've learned that not everyone will like my game and will leave horrible views "just cause" and not even put any constructive criticism why they left the reviews but for the people who like the idea but feel there's something missing I will try and improve where they deem necessary. I am always looking forward to updating my game especially when people leave suggestions because that means someone is playing it. I know no app is perfect but I'm striving my very best to try and get there. I am very proud of how far I've come throughout my coding career and this is something I'm very passionate about and I really want to succeed in. I know it won't be easy but you gotta put 110% in it
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=1009433885&mt=8
Google Play : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tincomeapps.swayandroid
I played your game and found:
I hope that comes across as constructive criticism
Keep at it and good luck.
Edit: I don't know what version I tried. I played it a week or so ago.
Hope you like something in there
My honest opinion.
One thing caught my eye in sway when you released the big update is the unlockable ships. If it was me, i would only have a selection of different ships to unlock, and remove the balls. It's not very exciting to unlock just a different colored ball.
Other than that, i think the game is pretty good. It's not ground breakingly awesome, but it's still an ok game. You've really taken it to another level with the big update.
My suggestion is: Don't try to force yourself to add new stuff to the game. Do it when you get a good idea on what to improve and how. Try working on another game for a while and clear your head from Sway. It really helps.
Mental Donkey Games
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@KevinCross @GreenfroggGames @MentalDonkeyGames thank you for taking time out of your day to reply to me!
The reason I added those unlockable balls before you can unlock the vehicles is because I wanted to make the vehicles that more special, rearer and more collectible. I see a couple games who just have different colored balls and no vehicles and they are pretty successful like Zig Zag. Obviously, an app company like that has such a great marketing team that anything they pump out will be gold regardless how good the game really is. Maybe one reason why so many people didn't like it so much was because maybe the prices were too high and the lack of coins you get weren't the best combination. I definitely will make the coins spawn more as multiple people have requested and I will cut all the prices in half.
Some people have requested that I make my game touched based but I have really been reluctant on that. I don't want Sway to be another "tap the screen" type of app. That's why with every update I have improved the tilt controls. I could possibly give them an option to change the settings like @GreenfroggGames has said and it sounds like a good idea. The game could be tilt base but if you don't like it you have the option to change it. Definitely will take that idea into consideration.
In terms of art work I personally didn't make it because I suck at it. I hired @approw to help me. Unfortunately, I don't have the cash to do such a massive update like I did with V 6.0 . It has made my game look more professional and it gives it a sense of a finished look. Well at least I hope other people think so.
@http_gamesalad You could have unlockable "tap controls" as an award or iap;)
Not this >.<
I'd kind of agree with @MentalDonkeyGames and not try to add stuff just for the sake of it. I'd even go so far as to suggest you should take a break from the game and maybe work on something new for a while.
A year and a half is a long time to be working on the same game. Working on something else for a bit might help you look at this game with fresh eyes when you come back to it.
Working on something new can often prove inspirational, or can help you re-evaluate previous projects.
Kudos to you though for wanting to keep updating and improving your game.
More and better placed coins could definitely get rid of the lack of character options.
Check out a game called FingerHero on the App Store. That has loads of characters to unlock and they're all proper random/crazy for example one character is a slice of pizza.
Neither take that long to unlock and I think all can be purchased with real money. I have no idea how well it does but it's not a bad game
Yeah, a nice rolling animation would help a lot.
As I have said before, I am really impressed with how long you have stayed with this project, it is clear you care about what you do. I like the game, especially since the update but here are my thoughts:
1-Offer a touch mode, a lot of people hate tilt no matter how well implemented it is.
2-More Coins
3-If you can't get animation for the ball to roll, consider making it a disc and then adding different art on each disk. Check out Disc Drivin' Free to see what flat discs can look like.
4-Consider starting a new project and come back to Sway from time to time with new ideas.
Have you ever tried moving on to other games?
Fun game tho!
I agree time to move on.
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+1 on time to move on