Looking for people who want to start a Dev group
in Help Wanted
Hello everyone,
I've been very interested in starting a Dev group with others that could someday become a well known name in the gaming app scene. This isn't a "join me and I'll pay you" kind of thing, but more of a "join me and lets make something that'll pay US".
I do work full time at night, so this will be something that I do during my free time during the day.
Whether you're an artist, programmer, or ANYTHING, I'm sure we can work together.
If anyone is interested please email me at -> alexmoreno1994@yahoo.com with a subject like "GameSalad - Dev group" or something similar just so I know what it is.
My suggestion would be to explain what you are bringing to the table. This is your first post (welcome!) so no one here knows you or what skills you have. What is your experience with GameSalad and/or game design? Are you a programmer, graphic artist, sound effect specialist, something else?
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