Why can't my gamesalad viewer connect to android ?
hello everyone, I have a problem about connect to android.
I'm really turn on the USB debugging.
And it's also connect to my phone(android)
But my phone's gamesalad viewer still no response.
What should I do? It has trouble me for a long time, please help me><"
Plug your phone in via USB and try. Make sure your phones developer settings are turned on.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
Thank you for answer.
But I tried every way I can think of, including your advice.。・゚゚・(>д<;)・゚゚・
You can publish your game and APK file sent to your phone via email.
Thank you for answer. That is a good idea!
I stick to your advice to publish my game to APK file, but it appears parse error "There was a problem problem parsing the package." when I open the this APK file in my phone.
What mistake did i make? Please tell me><"
What's the matter of I'm still free trial?
I dont now why you have this error??? I am Pro Member and i never have problem with APK files...
Did you downloaded apk without signing ? try signing APK file and try send again to your phone...maybe works in this way.
Do you have the android SDK installed and updated?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
My Android Manager has been installed Android SDK Tools / Android SDK Platform-tools / Android SDK Build-tools, and publishing package has completed Signed APK, and then output two files ," name.apk " and "name_unsigned.apk".
I sent both of files to my phone, but it appears parse error "There was a problem parsing the package." when I installed the APK files in my phone.
I am no idea why can't I installed.
My Android Manager has been installed Android SDK Tools / Android SDK Platform-tools / Android SDK Build-tools, and publishing package has completed Signed APK, and then output two files ," name.apk " and "name_unsigned.apk".
I sent both of files to my phone, but it appears parse error "There was a problem parsing the package." when I installed the APK files in my phone.
I am no idea why can't I installed.