Square from tutorial duplicates?

Watching the first tutorial,but when I preview my game the square duplicates itself.
Any help?


  • IceboxIcebox Member Posts: 1,485
    edited May 2016

    Are you using tables ? or are you spawning ? can you give us more info about what your doing ?

    EDIT:The reason im asking is cause I had this issue twice , once when I messed up with the code and spawned alot of actors, and the second time was when i linked a table to a game integer attribute that was set to 0, you will have to set it to 1. In case you did one of those 2 make sure to adjust them, if not then ignore this.

  • MentalDonkeyGamesMentalDonkeyGames Member Posts: 1,276
    edited May 2016

    Are you using windows? I've seen this a couple of times with the windows version of GS, but never got to figuring out what causes it. Maybe it has something to do with your computers graphics card... but i'm not sure.

    Mental Donkey Games
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  • r.morris_1302r.morris_1302 Member Posts: 2

    Im Having the exact same problem.Cant find a solution anywhere though

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