Cannot download my own game
I have just changed the status of my game from $1.99 to free . Then I tried downloading the game to my iPhone. It doesn't download. In my iPhone it shows "Waiting..." !!! . What's wrong? Can someone else download my completely free no add game and tell my can you download it?
Try restarting your phone, that usually helps.
I tried downloading your game and it works fine.
This happened to me on my iPhone a few weeks ago, and it was this way for all apps. This isn't an issue with your app, it's with your phone.
I searched the web for a fix, and I found everything from "restart your phone" to "reset your settings" to "just wait and it'll fix itself".
I tried them all, and nothing worked. Just when I was about ready to throw my phone against the wall, it started working again. So maybe the solution is a mixture of restarts and waiting...
This isn't the first bug I've noticed in the latest iOS...
I'm not going to download that game even if it's set to free. The solution to the problem however is most likely to restart the device (as suggest by others) or closing the App Store app (terminating the app and not just exiting out of it), after that you flip the switch to turn airplane mode on and then wait for a minute or so before turning it back off again and then start the App Store app again and try downloading it again.
You can't because Apple expect you to pay for it.
They want their 30%! But don't worry, they'll give you back $1.39.
It takes some time for the setting to change behind the scenes.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
have any one else tried downloading my game? Does it download?
Yes, it works. It's not your game, it's your phone with the problem
Thanks everyone. The problem is fixed now. Thank you everyone for your support.