Changing App ID/Bundle identifier
I seem to have stuffed up here. I originally had made my game and published it for testing successfully. I also went through the whole app signing process successfully (following Thunderchild's video). I then did some research on the title of my game and realised that the name was already being used by someone else (yeah, should've done that at the beginning). So I thought I'd change the name of my game. Now I'm totally stuffed. I don't get my Adhoc or Dev profiles appearing when I go to sign. Is it possible to change the bundle identifier? I think not. Should I just leave it with the old identifier which is the old game title? I really want to nuke all of it and start again – the whole process at Apple's end – the certificate, provisioning profile etc. Is that possible, or will that make it worse? Something has to be done here. Please help.
Make sure the profile didn't expire. Also make sure you open Xcode and refresh it under preferences accounts. The app ID you put in the publishing system must app the app ID you created in the developer portal.
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You should be fine leaving the bundle identifiers that way they are and just change the game title in the app, Gamesalad, and iTunes Connect. As long as the bundle identifier is the same in iTunes Connect and GameSalad then the app signing should still work.
Thanks @Lost_Oasis_Games and @chalter
I ended up going around in mindless circles for a while (as is my way) and eventually published the same game but as a 'new game'. It then gave me the adhoc and dev provisioning profiles again (for the previous name I had). Lesson learned: Don't change the name once you've gone through this process!