Working on both system Mac & win
Hi there,
I have a pro membership and work at home with the Mac version of creater.
In the office I downloaded the win creator and tryed to login with my GS account.
The logon misses and says...Internel error.
Is it not possible to use both versions with one account?
Yeah you can use both versions. I do the same. Mac at home and Windows version at work. It might be your work network settings blocking it. I can't log on to the Windows Kindle reader at work.
Thanks @KevinCross,
I will try it later at home.
And can I switch between the Mac and win projects?
When I start a project on win, it is possible the same to Mac an back?
Yep. You might just have to remove the extension .gameproj from the file when you want to open it on Windows so Windows see it as a folder and put it back on when you want to open it on a Mac. I say might. Everything you do in one should work in the other. I've not experienced compatibility issues between the two
I've just needed to open a Mac file on Windows again so can tell you how you open it.
When you see a .gameproj file on Windows it will show as a folder. You can't drag and drop the folder on to Windows GameSalad you have to go File > Open and browse for it. The folder itself won't open in GameSalad either, there's a file inside it with the extension .gsproj that's the one you need to open.
You can save it as normal on Windows and when you want to send it over to your Mac send the whole folder with the extension .gameproj on the folder name. perfectly.
The Login problem was really the company network!
After I started the GS Creator I must habituate to the Windows surface:-)
Completely unlike Mac, but not so bad.
Also thanks for the tip with the project folder ... works perfect!
There's part of the Windows layout that the Mac desperately needs like the actor window at the bottom allowing you to edit an actor without having to double click into each and covering you're scene etc. And that you can move the actors x and y position without going into the actor (you can change the position and size at the top when the actor is selected on the scene)
The expression window for Windows really sucks though. And I don't like the way the behaviours and rules look either.