How to refresh 'Move To' location?
Hi there,
I have an actor who has two 'move to' commands set within a rule. As long as the conditions of the rule remain true, the actor will follow the first 'move to' commands, if they are not true, the actor will follow the second 'move to' command.
The first 'move to' command determines where the actor should move based on values in a table (eg. how many other actors are still). I'm using 'tablecellvalue' to look this up. The actor should move across the screen based on the number of other actors left in the scene. However, my problem is that it looks up the tablecellvalue once, and as the conditions of the rule stay true, it doesn't look up the cell values again (at least I think that is the issue).
I have an attribute that counts the number of players remaining in the game ('notCommitted') and I tried adding an attribute to the actor ('MoveCounter') so that if notCommitted and MoveCounter weren't equal then that would result in the player moving. But that doesn't seem to work either.
I now feel at a complete loss. How do I get the actor to continue to 'refresh' his move to location?
Put the second move to in a loop behavior and set it to any condition that will keep it looping.
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