A really serious thread.
So what is going on with star on my thread comments? I've tried my hardest to be a "Keeper Of Knowledge," but I feel like the system is rigged. I feel like there shouldn't be segregation between the 4 point stars and the 3 point stars.
I feel as if just because I'm a bird I can't be as cool as the 4 or even 5 point star guys. I'm calling for a revolt!
"I will not be pleased until my stars increase!"
Reminds me of Sneetches
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Just do what I did, and bribe @Braydon_SFX with signed photos of David Cameron.
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I've got this one of my wall.
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I hope this photo of Kirk Cameron suffices.

@Braydon_SFX is too far beyond the star system. He doesn't need a star because he is a being of pure energy.
To be honest I would like to know how I increase my star. I want to be like the cool kids. Because they seem to fit in.
Your star is an indicator of how many forum points you have. Forum points come from badges, and from reactions on your posts (likes, awesomes, agrees, etc.). Each forum reaction is 1 point. Badges vary in point value. So, to increase your star, you'll need to get more forum points.
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I haven't had a badge in ages, I want a badge for the most spam points (currently 18) or if there is no Spam badge, then I want a 'no Spam badge' badge.
Flags reduce your forum points, so I'd be happy to give you a flag badge.
I'll just ship one up that'll reduce your points by say....9k. :P
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Your life changes when you go five star, you've got to be able to handle it, not everyone can, some people let it go to their heads, they get all kinds of crazy ideas, buying leather trousers, smoking cigarettes and growing handlebar moustaches, the day I went five star I had an extra egg for breakfast and rolled into work 7 minutes late, crazy times.
It's no big deal, really. I got mine on the 3rd of June.
But I can't remember what "Keeper Of Knowledge" stands for
@Socks, when I got mine I transitioned to wearing only silk bathrobes all day long. It's been the best possible update you can imagine!
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So now you no longer have to sleep with people in order to get points? Interesting times!