Free Art Friday
Over the years I've gotten loads of help from guys here in the community with projects and have learned a huge amount. Figured I'd try to pay back a little bit with some free art. I'm not that great at art, but I'll try to add some each Friday. If other people have stuff to share then feel free to put it here too.
First up, a couple of backgrounds. They're all 768x1024 and I've exported them at three different sizes (1x, 2x and 3x).
You can download them all here.
Metal background:
Stone background:
Road in a desert background (in theory this one tiles but haven't tested):
Awesome. Thanks mate
Appreciate ur efforts
Love the idea, since some folks like me my biggest problem is art. Also trying to think of a way to give back. I'm thinking some templates but all I've got has been done before. eek.
Awesome, thanks for sharing! ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
awesome! thanks for the share.
Thanks for sharing!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
I just love the design of Stone background. Its looking cool.
Glad you like it guys. I'll put something together for tomorrow too.
More free art this Friday.
This time up it's some stones blocks. Perfect for use in, erm, games with blocks. Could probably use them in an angry birds style game, or a puzzlers like the zombie drop template.
Again, completely free to use and downloadable from dropbox here. They're in three different sizes, so should work for most games. This time they 10x, 20x and 30x the size.
Three blocks 32x32
Two blocks of 64x32
Two blocks of 128x32
Here's a picture of the blocks:

And here's a dumb little gif:

very nice
My Apps
Another Friday, some more free art. This time it's a space theme. You get some asteroids, a spaceship and a space background.
Four asteroids 512x512
One spaceship of 512x512 (the ship doesn't completely fill the square so will need custom collision)
One background of 1024x768
As always, saved out at 3 different resolutions for you, so should work on any device on most projects
Check out a silly demo that I made in 2 minutes:

The files can be downloaded here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
Waw, Very Nice :* Thanks For Share..
Some more free art. This time some background elements for an outside scene - some clouds and mountains.
What you get:
4 clouds
4 mountains
Each saved out at 3 different sizes so should work for your projects.
The files can be downloaded here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
Let me know what you think - if the sizes work for you or of there's something specific you guys want - I might be able to make it.
Bonus pro-tip, lower the opacity of the clouds and they'll work with pretty much any colour scheme and have a lovely density effect when they overlap.
I'm not in the country tomorrow so you guys get an early free art friday. Hooray. Didn't have much time this week, but here's a little explosion for you:
What you get:
1 explosion with 19 frames on transparent background
Each saved out at 3 different sizes so should work for your projects.
The files can be downloaded here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
Awesome! Thanks so much!
Thanks for these! Very nice!
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Another week, some more art. This week I've been feeling too hot so made some ice platforms to cool down. Hopefully you'll think they're cool too. Heh. Here's a preview (sorry, not animated this time, quite busy today).
What you get:
3 128x128 platforms
2 256x128 platforms
1 512x128 platform
Each saved out at 3 different sizes at 10x (i.e. 128x128=1280x1280 pixels) so should work for your projects.
The files can be downloaded here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
Let me know what you think - if the sizes work for you or of there's something specific you guys want - I might be able to make it.
Felt the need for a pick me up this week, so I made some magic potions. And since it's friday, you get them too. I made 4 potions in total, and then saved out an empty version of each so this week you get 8 assets. They are all saved out at 256x256, 512x512 and 768x768 so should be more than large enough to work for most projects.
Here's a preview:

What you get:
1 x yellow potion, 1x empty yellow potion
1x red potion, 1x empty red potion
1x blue potion, 1x empty blue potion
1x green potion, 1x empty green potion.
You can download the files here:
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
(the background for the preview image was from my first free art giveaway if you want to recreate the look)
This week I bring you FIRE. How exciting. A rather simple animation with 7 frames but has a nice effect.
So that's cool. But what would be cooler is if something was burning, right? The cool thing about this animation is it has a slight transparency so you can overlay it onto things. But what things? Okay, I got you. I got you. I've also included burning logs, and a little camp fire as separate files too. When you put the fire animation on top they look a little like this:

I imagine there are loads of things you could put the fire on top of - your hero if he walks on lava, asteroids that fall from the sky (maybe the asteroids that I [included in a previous free art friday]("included in a previous free art friday")?), maybe a little torch for a dungeon. You could change the colour hue in GS to make it blue for a hellfire kind of effect. Or green for a burning poison sort of thing. So many possibilities.
So, in the pack you get the following, all saved out at three sizes as usual:
1 x fire animation split into 7 frames
1 x logs
1 x empty camp fire
You can download the files here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
This one is amazing. Awesome work!
Thank you! Glad you like it
Since very few of my projects are bringing in any real money, I figured I'd just draw some instead. This week's free art is MONEY. You get coins in bronze silver and gold:
And of course since we all want our games to have some nice effects, I've included ANIMATIONS to. Well, a simple spin animation any way. Since it's frame based, you can change the speed of the animation for different effects: here are two examples:
What you get:
1 bronze coin animation with 12 frames
1 silver coin animation with 12 frames
1 gold coin ainimation with 12 frames.
As always, I've included three sizes so you should be able to scale them for your pojects with ease
You can download the files here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
Let me know if there's anything in particular you guys want for next week, I might be able to help you out.
This week we've got trees.
There's five trees included, each saved out 3 different sizes, as usual. Whilst it doesn't seem like a lot, you can still make a passable forrest... (note the clouds from a previous give away). I mean, that's not great but if you spend more than the 2 minutes on it that I did it could probably look better.
You can download the files here.
The art, and any other art I've shared is under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence meaning you can share it, edit it and use it in commercial works.
And I keep saying it, but no one ever replies - if there's something in particular I might be able to help you out if it's a simple request. Otherwise I'll probably just draw some weapons or something.
Lol we really appreciate everything you offer bud, and people ARE paying attention to these posts. I in particular am just taking note everytime and if I have a request or need for your stuff in the future I know now to contact you
Good stuff as always and thanks
Very nice artwork, and it's great you are willing to share them for free with everyone.
Mental Donkey Games
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You could do a platformer tileset. I bet a lot of people would like that.
Weapons are cool too
Mental Donkey Games
Website - Facebook - Twitter
These are great, there is always a use for good art. You are suppling some great, often used asset types. ✮ Udemy: Introduction to Mobile Games Development ✮ Learn Mobile Game Development in One Day Using Gamesalad ✮ My Patreon Page
Great stuff @imjustmike !
@socks @jamie_c @NNterprises Thanks guys - that comment came across a bit more pathetic that intended! Just difficult to keep thinking of stuff to draw!
@MentalDonkeyGames by platformer stuff, do you mean ground tiles and things like that? I was working on some grass floor stuff last month that I could probably convert into tiles. In fact in the tree preview image you can see it at the bottom of the image.
Yes. I actually came up with the idea from that forest picture.
Mental Donkey Games
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