EXTREME lag.... :(
Hey Guys,
I have been away from creating games with Gamesalad for a while, but I decided to become active again. I was excited to continue with one of my projects I started 1 year ago. I heard a lot of good things about the latest release so I paid for an annual subscription. However, I have the most annoying problem I have ever had with GameSalad. LAG!!
The latest build from 1 year ago works great and smooth on my Android device, but after generating a new build with the new GameSalad (version 1.25.54) I experience extreme lag on both Android and iOS. It is the same build as before and still a very simple game.
As a test I added a small 5 second timer that should change an image after 5 seconds. It takes almost 3 times as long before it changes..... On my Mac viewer everything works great, so something goes horrible wrong when building the APK or ADHOC.
Does anyone experience the same thing or could anyone tell me why this might happen? Any help is welcome, because right now it feels like I already give up hope using GameSalad again.
Do you have any more info on your game?
Have you tried doing a very simple build with just the timer to see if it's an issue with the build process or an issue with your game project file itself?
The newer version of Gamesalad isn't as forgiving about ordering of rules and layers as it used to be but without knowing any details of your game I don't really know what it could be.
If you are using the latest version of GS and you're on El Capitan OS, this is the result. There is an issue with the latest GS and the latest OSX, causing extreme delays in the program. The folks at GameSalad are aware of this issue and they're working to fix it. A lot of people are suffering right along with you on this one. Check through some other threads and you'll see it mentioned often.
El Capitan = Dead Gamesalad. Don't use game salad in El Capitan
Thanks guys for the replies.
@imjustmike Basically it is this script:
It worked fine when I build it with GameSalad 0.13.33
@Adrenaline I am using the latest version of GameSalad but I am using version 10.10.5 of OS X. This isn't the latest version of OS X if i am not mistaking. Also I have read some problems of people that use the latest version of OS X, but they complain about a slow GameSalad, i havent seen complaints about laggy builds yet.
@Clock That doesn't sound good, is it possible to run GameSalad 0.13.33 next to the latest GameSalad?
The question in the OP refers to lag on iOS and android devices rather than when using Creator.
You can have as many copies of GameSalad (or any software) as you like on your hard drive, you can even have them all open at the same time.
Hey Socks, thanks for your reply. Infant I am just done installing 0.13.33 :P Maybe ill try installing a could more versions
I also completed a quick test. I installed GameSalad 0.13.33 and created the same build. Works like a charm on my Android device..... Seems like the issue is the latest GameSalad build... Perhaps its better if I go back to 0.13.33 to start working on my game. And once I am done (which takes months anyway) Ill try the latest version of GameSalad again.
hm.. I also tried to create an Adhoc, but I get the following after I select the .ADHOC for signing. "iPhone publishing requires the iPhone SDK. Ensure that you have the latest iPhone SDK installed" This is a new error for me... Any idea why I suddenly get this on an older version of GameSalad?
EDIT: I builded with 0.13.33 and signed with 1.25.54 Seems to work :P