I'm still here :)
Hi guys, just letting you know I am still here. I moved to another city and have build a new kitchen which took more time then expected. Just like with my games I polished it a lot to look perfect
I also got myself a new mac mini i7 instead of the iMac i5 so will be working a tiny bit faster
I'll be finishing my game Milipede soon.
@LumpApps ,
Glad to hear from you, Ludwig! I hope you enjoy your new home.
BTW, I still play Falcon Fail almost daily
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it breaks GS (for now)
stay away from 10.11.5
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Thanks @jonmulcahy
@mhedges ah! That is where the 0.000000013 cent ad income is coming from
Lump Apps and My Assets
Good to still have you!
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I had some problems with my shoulder last week. A terrible pain! I'm on painkillers and it's going better now. I need to slow down my home improvements. Wanting to do everything at the same time is not a good idea. I need some more Zen in my life
Lump Apps and My Assets
Had a lump on your shoulder?
Get well!
My Blog / App Store / Google Play
Stay away from the bell tower to be safe, Q.
Well played.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Stop it! It hurts when I laugh
Lump Apps and My Assets