My app keep getting removed
has been suspended and removed from Google Play as a policy strike because it violates the impersonation policy.
So after i saw that i removed all logos from the game and designed new ones myself, changed my appname and the apk name. I was publishing it again and they removed it aswell
I am using some "Heroes" of an other game to show like where the right spot is an kinda things like that .. but i see everywhere those "heroes" in the appstore they are using it aswell so i cant really imagine that thats the problem
Can someone help me on this pls ?
Well i contact the support for now i'll see what happens
can you show us what you think those might be and what you've been doing? Screenshots.
It's an overwatch CounterPick application to help others.. So i dont really know where the problem to show off heroes ..
Hmmm... Im not sure why you don't understand why your app keeps getting removed or causing you issues.... its really straightforward.
Your app uses wholesale artwork and content taken straight from someone else's game, and you have no right to use it.... simple and as straightforward as that. Im assuming you haven't contacted the owner/publisher of the game your using content from, and obtained their consent.
Just because you a see others using it, it doesn't mean its right, or that they too won't get removed. If theres lots of other infringers, it just takes longer for the legal owner to find and get them all removed.
Im intrigued as to how you actually came to the opinion that it wouldn't be an issue?
Im assuming you were either selling your app, or had it free but containing adverts? If so you were basically planning to make money by using someone else's property. In most parts of the world or cultures, thats considered theft.
Thats basically why your app keeps getting removed and your account is being flagged for violations.
Can't really imagine it, cause blizzard is writing that you can use these logo's and pictures if you wont make money with it.
And seriously i didnt even actived my ads so how is that going ?
Instead of imagining it, you need real approval. Show me the evidence that Blizzard allows use of their assets in externally produced apps that they haven't given a license to.
A quick look on Blizzards Legal FAQs page gives permission for one copy of un-altered images to be used on websites. No mention of distributable, altered (cropped) images being allowed in apps. In fact it specifically states that you can't make and sell your own products based on a Blizzard universe.
So they give a very limited use of images... and your use doesn't fall within that.
And you say you didn't activate your ads... not sure what your actually saying with that. So was your app completely free, with no methods to gain you any money? I find that hard to believe, but in any case, regardless of free or paid, I think you'd still need to get written approval from Blizzard to use the assets in the way you want.
Google have decided your infringing someone else's copyright... you have to prove to them that your not.
Lol you're stealing someones work. That's probably the problem.
Agreed, there seems to be this idea that stealing someone else's property and then giving it away for free is somehow better than stealing someone else's property and then selling it on - at least if you sold the stolen property you can be sued by the owner for any income generated.
A: Hey I stole your property !
B: Damn !! what the hell ! You need to hand over the money you made !
A: Hey, nothing to worry about dude, I stole your property and then gave it away for free.
ehm seriously the app was totally free .. if youre that greedy that you don't believe i don't really care xd
And here you have the link:
read the 2. one
I saw the link, my German is a bit rusty ;-), but this only apply's to the logo's. So not the artwork. Maybe contact Blizzard and ask them directly will help.
@jovanovic_dejan ...strange that your accusing others of being greedy... You asked for help and advice, which you were given. It makes no difference to us if your app gets approved or not. We're not the ones with an app that has been removed due to violations.
I'm still not convinced you understand or are willing to accept what your problem is, and that its one of your own making. The link you gave to Blizzard policy doesn't give you permission in any section. It predominantly covers logo use, and even then still is only gives limited use... And even specifically prohibits the use you want.
"Do Not:
d. use a Blizzard Mark or logo or any other confusingly similar marks on any apparel, product, toy, or any other merchandise;"
Your app is a product, not a fan website. Simple as that. The page you linked to only discusses use of logos.Your app uses Blizzard art assets, that you've cropped and edited to suit your own needs, which you distribute as a product. Strictly prohibited if you look up Blizzard legal FAQs page.
You might not like the truth of the situation, but that's the situation. There's only one way of remedying the situation to one you like, and that's to contact Blizzard directly, show them your app and get written approval from them, then present that to Google. You can believe that you have permission all you want, but without it in writing from Blizzard, it means nothing.
Yo have to understand that companies want to protect their properties, and might even plan to release their own apps. They don't just give rights away openly, why would you expect them to? You keep confusing them letting people use assets for fan websites with them openly releasing rights for ANY use, which they just don't do.
So yup... Take the advice or not. Think your in the right. Accuse us of being greedy for not believing your motives for essentially stealing someone else's property... That's all yor choice, and only hurts you in the end...
We're simply pointing out where your problem is, and trying to help you understand it.
@jovanovic_dejan said:
I wasn't doubting that, my point was that taking someone's property and giving it away for free can be seen as worse than taking someone's property and selling it, at least if you were to sell what you'd taken the owner could sue for the money generated.
Or put it another way, if you steal someone's car and are then caught, telling the owner that you gave it away for free - and didn't make a single penny yourself - isn't going to make things any better than if you'd sold it for money.
Anyhow all this is acedemic, what you are attempting to do is illegal, against Google's terms and conditions and opens you up to being sued by the IP holder (unlikely, but not impossible).
Finally that was good advice xD Thanks. I contact Blizzard and send them my screenshots i will wait for the answer.
BTW: can i somehow delete these 2 apps that i was trying to upload or will they be there forever on my developer account.. ?