Merging templates?
Hello my fellow gs users, I just had a quick question I was hoping someone could answer. Now I have templates that I would like to combine and I know there is a tool to do that but it is only on MAC (which I do not have). I am currently using the PC version of gs. So my question would be, is combining templates manually my only option since I am using the PC version?
I'm afraid so.
Thanks for responding though
I do almost all of my prototypes in separate files. Even different mechanics for things of the same I'll do in separate files. Helps keep bugs out and the code cleaner. I'd love for there to be an easy way to drag and drop or copy paste the code from one to another.
But in reality, depending on how big the code you want to merge is, it's not really that hard. Just takes a while.
Get a cup of tea, a podcast and if you have one, a second monitor so you can have both projects on screen at the same time and it'll be done in no time.
Thanks man, guess that's what I'm going have to do and just suck it up.
I know they are looking into it. I have the same problem, also using windows and there are some templates that a b***h to copy but you do it anyway. Hoping its something they release because of education because it smoothen the process for easier game production.
Sucks we actually had/have a working PC version of our fantastic merger tool! I remember pushing hard a few years ago to get the merger available for every GS user because i thought it was a great asset but the GS team closed its doors on us and became very inward thinking
after that GS relations slowly broke down and it all went tits up, maybe @wayneh001 will release it one day but last i heard GS was going to add something similar?
I think this chap has the details