Looping music - Tiny pause
Het guys!
Just imported my music and tried out the loop function, but I get this tiny pause before it starts over. Anyone else that has experienced this lately?
It's .wav files, and yes I have tested outside GS so that they are loopable
Het !
This has always been the case, 'music' is streamed (rather than loaded into RAM like sound) so I guess that might be the reason for the tiny pause.
It means hot in Swedish. You guys are hot
Thanks for the clarification. I know I've read about it before, just thought it might had been solved
Are there any disadvantages when importing and using music as sound?
I just tried that and the looping works perfect.
From what I understand Music (for example on an iPad) is streamed and decoded by the device's hardware, this should save on processor overhead, and as it's not loaded into RAM, this should save on memory usage too.
Sound on the other hand is loaded into RAM and handled by the processor.
The disadvantages to Music would seem to the tiny pause - presumably caused by the streaming process.
It would be good to have things like this clarified by GameSalad.
Maybe play a sound effect at the end of the music to mask the gap somehow? No sound is very noticeable in a looping song, but maybe a sound effect (sound from the song perhaps) could hide it. Worth a try I guess...
Alright thanks!
Going to test importing the music as sound and see how it works out.