Problem with controls in the "HUD" layer
I've seen multiple answers on how to keep controls in the camera from being scrolled off screen by creating a higher layer "Hud layer" and unchecking the scrollable option. Well when I uncheck the scrollable option my buttons no longer appear in the play test. What am I missing?
Your buttons need to be within the camera area.
I have them within the camera area, within the box. If scrollable is checked on they appear within the camera when I play it, but if it's off they are not visible. In the editor they are placed in the bottom right corner of the camera.
Maybe upload your project to the forum so someone can take a look.
How's this?
Hmmmm . . . strange.
How did you import a 5,000 pixel x 5,150 pixel image ?
Through the media tab like any other image can be added. It's just a placeholder really. So no ideas huh?
There is (should be) a 2048 x 2048 limit on image assets ? Not sure how you managed to import a 5,000 pixel x 5,150 pixel image !?
I'm not 100% sure what's going on here, but setting your buttons up in the lower lefthand corner of your scene (as if the camera was in its orginal position) solves the issue.
There'so no need to have a Control Camera behaviour in each of your move commands, the one outside of the move commands will do the trick.
Whenever I uploaded giant images over 2048 pixels back in the day, they showed up black in the ad-hoc like nothing was there. Maybe resize to smaller images and something will be better
Thanks for the help! It seems it may just be simpler to put the buttons in the lower left as Socks suggested so I can continue with the project. Seems like it'll be an unorthodox way of doing things, but hey at least it works